Course Facilitator Details

Dr. Linda Rooney

Picture of Dr. Linda  Rooney

Location: Winter Haven, Florida, United States

I have been an educator, pastoral leader and spiritual director for over 40 years. A former Director of Lay Ministry Formation and Pastoral Care for the Diocese of Orlando for 25 yrs., the majority of my adult life has been spent in faith formation and developing people for ministry in all fields of ecclesial service. My own experience includes both education and "boots on the ground" lived experience in catechetics (DRE), hospital chaplaincy/CPE supervision, every level of education both in Catholic schools and parish catechetical and adult formation, diocesan administration, pastoral counseling/spiritual direction. I currently create and teach online/distance education and residency courses in certificate, undergraduate and graduate theology programs at several Catholic Colleges, offer retreats and teach in ministry formation programs/degree programs in different parts of the country, coordinate RCIA and Adult Faith Formation at a local parish and speak on theological/spiritual issues. I have been a pastoral leader in two major organizations: NALM and NACC working at local, regional and national level governance as well as a Consultant for Home Mission Dioceses in their development of lay ministry. I hold a Doctorate in Ministry and have authored five books, the most recent of which is Walking the Disciple’s Path, Ave Maria Press, 2013.