Marianist Studies: EducationNivel de curso: Intermedio

Al término satisfactorio del curso obtendrás 2.5 UEP's. Precione aquí para mayor información acerca de las UEP's.

Objetivos Generales del Curso

  • to ground the characteristics of a Marianist education in the Marianist charism
  • to expand one’s understanding of the characteristics of a Marianist education
  • to articulate what it means to educate in the Marianist tradition
  • to reflect on one’s experience of being an educator (staff, faculty, administration) in a Marianist school
  • to more deeply align one’s educational philosophy with the philosophy and pedagogy of Marianist education

Materiales para el Curso

  • No se requiere de libros. Todas las lecturas están en línea.

Estructura y Contenidos del Curso

  • Semana 1: Mary as Model Educator
    • to identify the virtues of Mary that one would like to emulate in the educational process
    • to reflect on the Scripture passages that were foundational to Chaminade’s understanding of Mary
    • to articulate Chaminade’s insights into Mary’s role in Jesus’ formation
    • to analyze ways that Mary is the model for educators in the Marianist tradition
  • Semana 2: Educating the Whole Person
    • to reflect on and develop the participant’s “interior life”
    • to analyze perspectives of “the whole person” they educate
    • to understand themselves as instrumental in student faith formation, regardless of area of expertise
    • to analyze the Characteristics of Marianist Education in terms of educating the whole person
  • Semana 3: Community as means of education in the Marianist tradition
    • to understand the significance of a community of faith in Marianist schools
    • to understand the essential qualities of an effective school community
    • to reflect on the participant’s role in creating community within his/her school and/or classroom environment
  • Semana 4: Our mission to educate for meaning and solidarity
    • to understand and appreciate the essential element of mission in the Marianist charism
    • to reflect on his/her own sense of mission
    • to identify how he/she would form “servant leaders” in their students
  • Semana 5: Education to Shape the Future
    • to analyze what it means to educate for adaptation and change in light of Catholic Social Teaching
    • to understand more fully the importance of faith-culture dialogue
    • to analyze what is new in our times and to discover new methods for addressing those needs
    • to reflect on ways to teach that will challenge our students to shape the future