Designing a Parish Catechetical Plan (Sem)Nivel de curso: Avanzado
Descripción del curso
This is an ADVANCED level course and should not be attempted without sufficient grounding in the basics of the Catholic faith.
The following are prerequisites for this seminar: Overview of the GDC and NDC, and National Directory for Catechesis. This seminar will guide you through setting up a plan for implementing the directives of the NDC in your parish.
Al término satisfactorio del curso obtendrás 1.5 UEP's. Precione aquí para mayor información acerca de las UEP's.
Objetivos Generales del Curso
- Explain the five key elements of a renewed vision of catechesis
- Identify the six fundamental tasks of catechesis and their impact for designing a catechetical plan
- Identify the assumptions that are implicit in designing a catechetical plan
- Identify the means for stimulating a conversion on ‘preferred futures” or dreams for a great catechetical plan.
- Initiate a beginning draft of a sample catechetical plan.
- Understand the importance for setting accountable markers for implementing a catechetical plan.
- Identify various formats/approaches for gathering data for a catechetical plan.
- Identify the means for building awareness and support among the many stakeholders to introduce a catechetical plan in the parish.
Materiales para el Curso
- Libro Requerido: Duggan, Robert Creating a Catechetical Plan: A How-To-Do-IT Resource NCEA Publication. 2006 ISBN: 1558333789; ISBN: 678-1558333789
- Libro Requerido: National Directory for Catechesis USCCB. 2005 ISBN: 1574554433; ISBN-13 978-1574554434
Estructura y Contenidos del Curso
- Semana 1: Preparing the Ground Work
- Explain the five key elements of a renewed vision of catechesis
- Identify the six fundamental tasks of catechesis and their impact for designing a catechetical plan
- Identify the assumptions that are implicit in designing a catechetical plan
- Become familiar with the steps to move forward in drafting a plan.
- Semana 2: Organizing the Data to Draft an Initial Catechetical Plan
- Semana 3: Sharing Insights for Advancing a Parish Catechetical Plan
- Identify various formats/approaches for gathering data for designing a catechetical plan
- Identify the means for building awareness and support among the many stakeholders to introduce a catechetical plan in the parish
- Identify steps for implementing a Parish Catechetical Plan
- Identify the means for evaluating the effectiveness of a Parish Catechetical Plan