The Distinctive Gift of Blackness with the Catholic ChurchNivel de curso: Intermedio

Descripción del curso

This course intends to ignite a new spirit in Black Catholics. Eminence Wilton Cardinal Gregory recently said, "Since we alone are both Black and Catholic. We realize, of course, that we belong to a universal Church and must live within that Church, but we also realize that the gift of Blackness is uniquely ours to offer to the Church." (American Catholic History Research Center and University Archives) Through discernment, the Holy Spirit empowers Black Catholics in the universal Church to combat racism in the world, the Church, and other issues with their unique gifts of Blackness.  

Therefore, this course builds on our understanding of Black and Catholic today and tomorrow. With a plethora of challenges, Black Catholics today are ready to share their gift of Blackness with the universal Church. They are ready and eager to do the work of evangelization to build a better tomorrow. We do this by responding to the daunting issues of today, and by stirring up our gifts.  

Al término satisfactorio del curso obtendrás 2.5 UEP's. Precione aquí para mayor información acerca de las UEP's.

Objetivos Generales del Curso

  • Understand the term Black and Catholic
  • Discern "Nice Racism"
  • Identify the challenges in sharing your gift with the Church
  • Build ideas to address racial issues in the Church
  • Understanding the call to Black Lives Matter

Materiales para el Curso

  • Libro Requerido: Ansel Augustine Leveling the Praying Field – Can the Church We Love, Love us Back? Orbis Books, 1st edition (February 23, 2022) ISBN: 1626984506; ISBN-13: 978-1626984509; ASIN: B09NRXB6JT

Estructura y Contenidos del Curso

  • Semana 1: What does Black Catholic mean?
    • Define the term Black Catholics
    • Explain why Black Catholics may feel uncomfortable with calling themselves Black and Catholic
    • Encourage the use of Spiritual gifts amid the struggle in your community
    • Identify what voices are silent in your local community (neighborhood, school, church, recreation centers, etc.)
  • Semana 2: How is Black Catholicism perceived today?
    • Identify what voices are silent in your local community (neighborhood, school, church, recreation centers, etc.)
  • Semana 3: The Struggles of Racism in the Catholic Church
    • Define the term "nice racism"
    • Identify nice racism actions by the Church
    • Explain the term, Black Lives Matter
  • Semana 4: How should Black Catholics respond to Black Lives Matter (BLM)?
    • Discuss BLM as it relates to Black Catholics
    • Recall moments when you were affirmed as a Black Catholic
  • Semana 5: Hope against Hope
    • Reflect on our vision for the Church
    • Ponder the true understanding of the universal Church and the contribution of Black Catholic Spirituality
    • Network with others to help with vision