The MassCourse Level: Basic

Course Summary

  • prerequisite: Foundations of Liturgy
  • provides a basic understanding of the history, structure and central pastoral focus of the Mass of the Roman Rite
  • based on the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, the General Instruction of the Roman Missal and other primary liturgical norms and directives

Successful completion of this course earns 2.5 CEU's. Click here for more information about CEU's.

General Course Objectives

  • Students will be able to identify and articulate core principles of Eucharistic liturgy as found in foundational documents on the Mass.
  • Students will consider the history of the Mass and make connections between the modern liturgy and its historical context.
  • Students will be able to identify and articulate the major pastoral focus of the Mass: the celebration of the Paschal Mystery.
  • Students will examine and understand how the various rites within the Mass support its overarching celebration of the Paschal Mystery.
  • Students will consider and be able to articulate connections between the Church’s Eucharistic worship and direct service to those in need.

Course Materials

  • No books required. All readings are online.

Course Structure and Highlights

  • Week 1: The Mass as ritual participation in the Paschal Mystery of Christ/The Ministers of the Mass
    • To understand the history and significance of the phrase “Paschal Mystery,” especially with regard to the celebration of the Eucharist
    • To understand the meaning and significance of the CSL’s insistence on the “full, conscious and active participation of the faithful” as related to the Paschal Mystery
    • To gain insight into the historical context of the Mass and understand how participation in the Paschal Mystery of Christ undergirds the reform of the modern liturgy
    • To understand how each minister of the Mass embodies the Paschal Mystery in his or her liturgical role
  • Week 2: The Structure and Meaning of the Mass: Part One
    • To understand the overarching structure of the Mass of the Roman rite
    • To understand the structure and significance of the Introductory Rites
    • To understand the structure and significance of the first part of the Liturgy of the Word (thru Gospel)
  • Week 3: The Structure and Meaning of the Mass: Part Two
    • To understand the structure and significance of the second part of the Liturgy of the Word (Homily thru General Intercessions)
    • To understand the structure and significance of the first part of the Liturgy of the Eucharist (Preparation of the Altar and Gifts)
  • Week 4: The Structure and Meaning of the Mass: Part Three
    • To understand the structure and significance of the Eucharistic Prayer, its component parts, its theology and consecratory character
    • To understand the structure and significance of the Communion Rite
  • Week 5: The Structure and Meaning of the Mass: Part Four
    • To understand the structure and significance of the Concluding Rites of the Mass
    • To understand the connection between the liturgy we celebrate and our life of service to the world as the Body of Christ
    • To recognize important connections between the Church’s liturgical tradition and its tradition of direct service to the poor and marginalized