Marianist Studies: FoundersNivel de curso: Intermedio

Descripción del curso

On September 3, 2000, Father William Joseph Chaminade was beatified. Pope John Paul II, in his remarks at St. Peter's Square, commented on how Father Chaminade gave the Church a "new way to bear witness to the faith." Also, on that day, Father David Fleming, SM, Superior General of the Society of Mary, reminded the Marianist Family of how Father Chaminade "understood the need to renew institutional structures of the Church, but, above all, to enhance the attractive force of the gospel in the life of ordinary people. He thought that all could live a style of Christian community modeled on the first community of Jerusalem, with 'one heart and one soul'".

Many ask to know more about the life of Blessed Chaminade. We cannot know him, though, without becoming acquainted with Adéle de Batz de Trenquelléon and Marie Thérése de Lamourous, two of his closest collaborators and persons now regarded as co-founders of the Marianist Family. Here, then, is a course designed to convey the basic stories of these three remarkable people - how they faced the challenges of their times and left a legacy for us to draw on for our times.

Al término satisfactorio del curso obtendrás 2.5 UEP's. Precione aquí para mayor información acerca de las UEP's.

Objetivos Generales del Curso

  • Learn about the historical period
  • Become familiar with the personal stories of each of the founders
  • Understood the role each founder played in establishing the comprehensive Marianist Family
  • Been introduced to the unique contributions the founders made to the Church and religious and lay life

Materiales para el Curso

  • Libro Requerido: Stefanelli SM. , Joseph Chaminade, Pragmatist with a Vision North American Center for Marianist Studies, Dayton, Ohio, 2000.
  • Libro Requerido: Stefanelli, SM, Joseph Adele, Aristocrat for the Poor North American Center for Marianist Studies, Dayton, Ohio, 1999.
  • Libro Requerido: Stefanelli, Joseph , SM, Marie Therese de Lamourous, Firm of Hand, Loving of Heart North American Center for Marianist Studies, Dayton, Ohio, 2001.
    • Marie Terese de Lamourous, Firm of Hand, Loving of Heart ORDER HERE or (937) 429-2521)

Estructura y Contenidos del Curso

  • Semana 1: The Times and Influences on the Founders
    • Identify major causes and effects of the French Revolution
    • Understand the Church as it existed in 18th Century France
  • Semana 2: The Life of William Joseph Chaminade
    • Identify significant persons and major events in the life of Father Chaminade.
    • Understand the challenges to his vision and work that Father Chaminade faced from both external sources (e.g., changes in government) and internal sources (e.g., difficult or malicious associates).
    • Differentiate among the specific foundations of Father Chaminade and how they complemented or differed from other efforts to rebuild the Church in post-Revolutionary France.
    • Recognize the special virtue, wisdom, and accomplishment of Father Chaminade that led to his beatification.
  • Semana 3: The Life of Adele de Batz de Trenquelleon
    • Become acquainted with key episodes and principal people in Adèle's life.
    • Point to Adèle's initiatives in the foundations of the Association and the Daughters of Mary Immaculate.
    • Recognize the creative dynamics between Adèle and Father Chaminade.
    • Understand the distinctive qualities Adèle brought to the Marianist venture.
    • Identify the major works of the Daughters of Mary and Adèle's chief collaborators in the foundation period
  • Semana 4: The Life of Marie Therese de Lamourous
    • Identify the key part Marie Thérèse de Lamourous played in the foundation of the Marianist Family.
    • Understand the significance of her role within her family and in her parish in Pian en Médoc.
    • Appreciate the multifaceted responsibilities she undertook at the Miséricorde.
    • Characterize the interplay between herself and both Father Chaminade and Adèle.
  • Semana 5: The Legacy of the Founders
    • Indicate the talents, skills, and gifts each Founder brought to the establishment of the Marianist Family.
    • Recognize how each gave unique witness to virtue.
    • Identify the "common mission, shared projects, and deeply-desired objectives along with the common motivation" (Benlloch) of these three people.
    • Discern particular inspirations that come from the study of the lives of the Founders.