Evangelization and DiscipleshipNivel de curso: Intermedio

Descripción del curso

This course will explore our call to conversion and discipleship, the meaning of evangelization from a Catholic perspective, and its relationship to the ministries of word, worship and service. It includes useful suggestions related to evangelization efforts within parishes and has tools for evaluating current needs.

Al término satisfactorio del curso obtendrás 2.5 UEP's. Precione aquí para mayor información acerca de las UEP's.

Objetivos Generales del Curso

  • Name some implications of being a disciple of Jesus Christ
  • Understand evangelization as the essential mission of the Church and all baptized Christians
  • Identify the key Church documents, such as Evangelization in the Modern World, Go and Make Disciples, Thy Kingdom Come, etc.
  • Describe evangelization in a Catholic context
  • Understand the role of the parish community in proclaiming the Good News
  • Describe the relationship between evangelization and conversion
  • Describe the relationship between evangelization and the Kingdom of God
  • Articulate the importance of sharing one's faith with others

Materiales para el Curso

  • Libro Requerido: All required readings are online.

Estructura y Contenidos del Curso

  • Semana 1: Catholic Evangelization and Discipleship
    • Name some implications of being a disciple of Jesus Christ
    • Describe the relationship between evangelization and the Kingdom of God
    • Identify the key Church documents, such as Evangelization in the Modern World, Go and Make Disciples, Thy Kingdom Come, etc.
  • Semana 2: Evangelistic Spirituality and Conversion
    • Describe the relationship between evangelization and conversion
    • Describe the relationship between evangelization and spirituality
  • Semana 3: Partners in Evangelization
    • Articulate the importance of sharing one's faith with others
    • Understand that Christian discipleship happens in the context of culture
  • Semana 4: Ministry, Word, Worship, Service
    • Understand the role of the parish community in proclaiming the good news
    • Describe the relationship between evangelization and ministry
  • Semana 5: Evangelization at the Center
    • Understand evangelization as the essential mission of the Church and all baptized Christians
    • Describe evangelization in a Catholic context