Communication and CommunityNivel de curso: Intermedio

Descripción del curso

If you are convinced that the Good News deserves effective communication, and if you have experienced ineffective communication in a parish, this is the course for you! Through a series of readings and exercises, participants in this course will acquire theological knowledge, some intercultural communication constructs, communication skills in listening, assertion and conflict management and the ability to begin to plan for effective communication. No matter your previous experience or skill level, this course will offer you a chance to once again be convinced that ecclesial leaders need concepts, constructs and skills to hand on the good news of Jesus Christ.

Al término satisfactorio del curso obtendrás 2.5 UEP's. Precione aquí para mayor información acerca de las UEP's.

Objetivos Generales del Curso

  • To become acquainted with some aspects of communication theology
  • To begin to develop the interpersonal communication skill of active listening
  • To understand assertion and develop initial assertion skills
  • To understand conflict and develop beginning conflict management skills
  • To become acquainted with the elements of a communication plan for a parish

Materiales para el Curso

  • Libro Requerido: Bolton, Robert People Skills: How to Assert Yourself, Listen to Others, and Resolve Conflicts New York, NY: Simon and Schuster, 1986 ISBN: 067162248X; ISBN: 978-0671622480
  • Libro Requerido: Vassallo, Wanda Church Communications Handbook: A Complete Guide to Developing a Strategy, Using Technology, Writing Effectively, Reaching the Unchurched Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications, 1998 ISBN: 0825439256; ISBN: 978-0225439254

Estructura y Contenidos del Curso

  • Semana 1: An Overview of Communication of Theology
    • Understand different approaches to a theology of communication
    • Deepen understanding of the approach known as communication theology
    • Explore some of the implications of this approach for pastoral ministers
    • Be familiar with the Church’s teaching on social communication
  • Semana 2: Active Listening - A Fundamental Community Skill
    • Identify different types of listening
    • Understand the connection between empathic listening and community
    • Identify skills that improve listening
    • Practice empathic/active listening skills
  • Semana 3: Assertion - A Communication Skill for a Healthy Minister
    • Begin to develop the skill of assertiveness
    • Discover the connection between assertiveness and confrontation
    • Understand options that increase assertiveness
  • Semana 4: Conflict Management - A Key to Community
    • Know the benefits of conflict
    • Know the primary components of conflict management
    • Become familiar with conflict prevention and control methods for individual and groups
    • Become acquainted with a conflict resolution method
    • Practice conflict management
  • Semana 5: Community Planning - A Service to the Community
    • Know some of the elements to consider in communication planning
    • Encounter some principles of intercultural communication that impact communication in an ecclesial setting
    • Be able to assess unspoken messages
    • Create a communication plan for a ministry setting