Marian Studies Certificate Program
5-week Courses
Course #1 - Who is Mary of Nazareth, and Why should We Care?
This course introduces students to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ. It explains who this woman is and what the Catholic Church teaches about her role in salvation history. It also explains not only why knowing about her is important to the Christian faith, but also why knowing her personally is important to the life of the Church and to the lives of individual Christians. (Designed by James R. Koelsch, STD)
Course #2 - Scripture, the Soul of Mariology
This course lays a foundation for studying the Catholic Church’s teaching on Mary by examining the Marian texts found in Sacred Scripture, which is the soul of all theology, including Mariology. The course begins by reflecting on the Marian texts in the New Testament. These reflections consider not only the words used, but also how the New Testament makes use of typology to interpret prophesies and events recorded in the Old Testament. (Designed by James R. Koelsch, STD)
Course #3 - An Introduction to Catholic Doctrine on the Blessed Virgin Mary
This course presents the Catholic Church’s chief teachings on Mary. It considers each of the four Marian dogmas—Mother of God, Perpetual Virginity, Immaculate Conception, and the Assumption—explaining what the dogma is, why it was defined, and how the Church used Scripture and Tradition to formulate the definition. The course also explains other teachings on Mary, such as Mary as mother of the Church and as mediatrix. (Designed by Keith Jiron STD)
Course #4 - Mary in the Liturgical Life of the Church
This course describes the role of Mary in the liturgical life of the Church. After explaining what liturgy is, the course guides the students in reflecting on Mary’s presence in liturgical celebrations in the light of Mary’s inseparable bond to the saving work of her Son, a relationship articulated by the Second Vatican Council. The course also introduces students to a few specifically Marian elements of both Western and Eastern liturgy, including the Collection of Masses, the Little Office, and the Akathist Hymn to the Theotokos. (Designed by Marie-Louise Handal, STL, and James R. Koelsch, STD)
Course #5 - Mary and Spirituality, a Journey of Holiness
This course will introduce students to the concept of spirituality in relation to the Blessed Virgin Mary. In it, students consider Mary and spirituality by way of five key themes, namely holiness, prayer and contemplation, perfect discipleship, motherhood, and devotion and devotions. Ultimately, the aim is to bring students to a greater understanding of how a Marian spirituality can deepen one’s faith in Christ. (Designed by Debra L. Newbury, ofs)