On Bended Knee

Course Level: Intermediate

Course Summary

Note: On Bended Knee is a 3 week seminar.

Based on the Pastoral Letter of Bishop Anthony G. Bosco, Diocese of Greensburg, this online seminar is a spiritual journey for critically reflecting upon one's understanding of the Eucharist and its meaning and impact on our relationships with one another. Eucharist is so much more than getting our attendance card checked off in heaven for attending Mass on the weekend. The Eucharist calls us to service!

A prayerful environment is important for this topic. While journeying through this seminar it is appropriate, if you are able, to create a special reflective space or environment to enter into the experience. You may need to select a special time to participate in these sessions to ensure your prayerful journey. You may decide to light a special prayer candle. Begin each session by taking a few moments to center yourself in the presence of God. In session #2, you are asked to reflect on a cross (one that is particularly special to you). Journal: It is recommended that you keep a personal journal as you proceed through the seminar. You may do this in a handbook or as a Word document. The journal helps us to focus and monitor our reflections for growing in understanding how Eucharist calls you to service!

Successful completion of this course earns 1.5 CEU's.

General Course Objectives

Course Materials

Course Structure and Highlights

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