The Parish Nurse as Counsellor and Spiritual Companion

Course Level: Intermediate

Course Summary

Parish Nursing is also known as Faith Community Nursing, Congregational Nursing or Church Nursing. In this course, we will use the term "Parish Nursing".  

Parish Nursing Ministry holds spiritual care as essential to a person's health and wellness. The Parish Nurse functions as a member of the health ministry team, caring for the body, mind, and spirit. The aim of the course is to build on previously attained knowledge and skills to further prepare the Parish Nurse in the roles of counselor and spiritual companion. The curriculum is directed toward personal and professional growth, preparing nurses for the role as parish nurse in parish nursing ministry or further development of parish nursing skills.

This five week parish nursing course will expand our understanding of the Parish Nurse as Counsellor and Spiritual Companion. Three key components include spirituality, professional practice, and wholistic health. Spirituality will be explored through sessions on the topics Pastoral Care, and Grief Loss and Suffering.  Professional Practice topics include sessions on Pastoral Counselling and Mental Health and the Parish Nurse. Our Focus on the Wholistic Health topic will be a session on The Parish Nurse as a Facilitator of Wellness.  

Please Note:
In order to run this course we need a minimum of 8 students to register for each offering.   If registration is not sufficient, the course will be withdrawn and offered again in the following year.   We regret any inconvenience to those who have registered.

Successful completion of this course earns 2.5 CEU's.

General Course Objectives

Course Materials

Course Structure and Highlights

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