Administration in Ministry

Course Level: Intermediate

Course Summary

Any area of ministry - catechetics, pastoral care, social justice, liturgy, youth ministry, adult faith formation, music, etc. – requires Administration. People in roles of leadership, management, and supervision who possess an authentic “spirituality of administration” are needed for effective ministry. The specific nature of their role will depend on the size and scope of the organization and the number and type of employees.

Most ministers, whether paid staff or volunteers, find themselves needing to plan, make decisions, set goals, facilitate meetings, prepare budgets, mediate conflict, give feedback, and evaluate people and processes. Many are also responsible for recruiting volunteers, building on their own strengths and those of others, and facilitating the willingness to serve. Ministers are expected to do all of this in an atmosphere of calm and control, while keeping within the framework of civil law, Canon Law, and local diocesan and parish directives.

Successful completion of this course earns 2.5 CEU's.

General Course Objectives

Course Materials

Course Structure and Highlights

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