Leadership in Ministry

Course Level: Intermediate

Course Summary

Leadership in Ministry invites participants to encounter some of the scholarship and tools within the field of leadership/management studies with an eye to their applicability in an ecclesial setting. If you take this course, you will be introduced to Robert Greenleaf, Warren Bennis, Jim Collins, Juana Bordas and others, familiar and new, whose work can enable the development of a leadership perspective that serves the ecclesial minister. In this course, you will consider the relationship between leadership and management, Jesus as a model leader, and some trends in ecclesial leadership. While the Church is not a corporation or a business, it does have some of the same organizational demands, and leadership/management is one of them. What general principles of leadership apply in an ecclesial setting? What are some of the unique leadership characteristics for those who serve Christ and the Church? What is your individual leadership style? Finally, lest you think this is just a theoretical course, you will have the chance to consider some of the skills necessary to serve as an ecclesial leader: planning, community building and running a meeting to name three.

Successful completion of this course earns 2.5 CEU's.

General Course Objectives

Course Materials

Course Structure and Highlights

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