Theological Reflection: Key to Connecting Faith and Life

Course Level: Basic

Course Summary

St. Paul explained to the Corinthians community that "There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone" (1 Cor. 12:4-6).This message is timeless. All generations must understand the “uniformity” of the Spirit, the Lord and God. All creation receivedgifts from God for the building of the Kingdom of God. Regardless of the multiple faith traditions, various cultures, and experiences, we all serve each other. This uniformity in the Body of Christ is a universal reality that we have when we accept that we are all created in God’s image. 

For this reason, the practice of "Theological Reflections" is foundational; it is a spiritual movement for an individual or group to recognize God's omnipresence in all occurrences with humanity. Through this lens, theological reflection propels ministers, church leaders and small group leaders too notice God’s daily presence. The Psalmist said, "Seven times a day I praise you because your judgments are righteous" (Ps. 119:168). The Psalmist observed God throughout the day by practicing "Theological Reflection." During the day, the Psalmist is meditating, seeking God while he is near, praying, giving witness, singing melodic hymns, calling on him for God's judgments are righteous. 



Successful completion of this course earns 1.5 CEU's.

General Course Objectives

Course Materials

Course Structure and Highlights

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